Managing Your Spaces
Once you have Occuspace setup and installed in your space it operates automatically without human intervention required. Periodically you may need to make changes to your setup, particularly around the data presentation, as you learn how to better optimize the platform for your needs. Occasionally technical solutions are needed to improve the performance of our sensors in your environment. All of these kinds of maintenance activities are addressed below.
Spaces Overview & Sensor Monitoring
The "Spaces" section of the Occuspace Portal provides a summary of the current setup of your account as well as access to all functionality to install your sensors and calibrate your space. During installation and after it provides a helpful summary of the state of your sensors and head counts, and provides you with important guidance on how to improve your account health if necessary.
Overview Tab
When you first land in the "Spaces" section you are presented with the "Overview" tab showing you a summary of the status of your sensor placements and zones, across your various spaces. Placements that may need attention, or details about the status of your zones are summarized and called to your attention at the top of this section. The immediate children of this space and their status appear in a summary table at the bottom.
The "Overview" tab shows a summary card at the top right of all of your sensor placements grouped by status as shown below.
Sensor Placement Statuses
Important information about the current status of your sensors is available on both the "Overview" and "Install" tabs of the "Spaces" section. This status information aids you during installation, as well as for ongoing maintenance activities that may occur from time to time. There are five possible statuses that a placement can have:
Empty - There is no sensor currently installed in the sensor placement
Review - The sensor placement has been successfully installed and is being reviewed for network connectivity and health
Installed - The sensor placement is fully installed with strong network connectivity
Reset - The sensor needs to be reset/rebooted
Replace - The sensor is not functioning properly and needs to be replaced
If you have any questions about your sensor placements and their current status please contact your Occuspace Account Manager.
Capacity Settings
Each of your spaces has a different maximum capacity of occupants that it can accommodate. The Occuspace platform needs to know these space capacity values in order to provide your occupancy data. These values can be updated easily at any time in the Occuspace Portal:
Using the Space Tree, navigate to the space you wish to edit the capacity in either the "Analytics", "Live Data", or "Spaces" sections
Open the "Space Details" panel with the link at the top right of the page
The current capacity number is displayed in the panel that appears under "Attributes". Roll over the value to display an edit icon
Click on the edit icon to change the value to the new capacity for the space. Update the value and click "Save" to submit
The side panel will update with the new capacity value you just set
If the edit icon does not appear when you rollover the capacity attribute value in the space details panel this is due to one of the following conditions:
You must be an Admin level or Setup level user to edit the capacity for your spaces. Other user levels do not have privileges to be able to change capacity values
You can only edit the capacity of individual spaces, not space groups. Space groups automatically have a capacity value that is the sum of the individual spaces that belong to that space group
Space Names
The names of your spaces can be updated at any time using the Occuspace Portal:
Using the Space Tree, navigate to the space you wish to edit the capacity in either the "Analytics", "Live Data", or "Spaces" sections
Open the "Space Details" panel with the link at the top right of the page
The current space name is displayed in the panel that appears under "Attributes". Roll over the "Name" value to display an edit icon
Click on the edit icon to update the name for this space. Update the value and click "Save" to submit
The side panel and rest of the Portal (e.g. space tree, page titles, downloadable files, etc) will update with the new name you just set
If the edit icon does not appear when you rollover the name attribute value in the space details panel this is due to one of the following conditions:
You must be an Admin level or Setup level user to edit the names of your spaces. Other user levels do not have privileges to be able to change space names
Occuspace provides functionality to manage the open and closed hours that our customers use for spaces that are presented in Digital Signage or on Waitz. Self-service functionality in the Customer Portal enables full control of the creation and management of the various hour setups in use. Please see the video below for a quick run through of how customers can quickly update their hours - a need we've heard from Higher Ed customers as students return to campus. We'll be sharing more here shortly! And for those who haven't already taken advantage of these offerings, they come included so please ask your Account Managers for more information!
Resetting & Replacing Sensors
Occasionally an Occuspace sensor may encounter difficulties with connectivity and need to be reset or even replaced. When this happens the status of your sensor placements in the Customer Portal will update appropriately as described above.
Resetting a sensor is easy to do and can be accomplished by pressing the reset button on the sensor using a small pin or paper clip. Press the button for three seconds and release. You can also reset a sensor by unplugging it, waiting a few seconds, and then plugging it back in (though this may not be practical if adhesive has been employed to secure the sensor to a power receptacle faceplate).
Replacing a sensor is also an easy process and follows the same general steps as installing a sensor. You will first uninstall the nonfunctioning sensor in the Occuspace Portal and then follow the same installation instructions to install the replacement sensor. Contact your Occuspace Account Manager if you need any help or have questions about this process.
Occasionally Occuspace may need to request that one of your zones goes into recalibration to improve the data accuracy. Recalibration simply entails providing a few more head counts so that we can retrain your zone and improve it's accuracy. You Occuspace Account Manager will work with you to provide specific guidance on when those counts are needed, but the submission process is the same as before during the Calibration phase. Simply follow the same steps to submit your additional head counts via the Occuspace Portal. Your zone will be retrained shortly to improve the data accuracy.
User Management
Creating new user credentials and managing existing ones for the Occuspace Portal is easily done in the "User Management" section. You must be an Admin level user to have access to this functionality.
When you first enter the "User Management" section you will be presented with a list of the current users in your account and over which you have control. You are able to see both active users as well as those that are still pending (i.e. users who have been invited to the platform but have not yet set up their credentials). You can search for a specific user by using the search box at the top of the page, or you can also filter for users with specific access roles or status using the drop-down menus.
An account can have more than one Admin user, you can create as many as you want to best manage your particular account. Each Admin user can create other Admin users as well as User and Setup users.
An Admin can only administer users directly created by themselves, as well as any in turn created by these users. Admins will not be able to manage users that were created by entirely different Admin users in the same account, and for which they have no relationship.
Creating New Users
Admin level users can create other users for their account via the "Add User" button at the top right of the "User Management" section. Clicking this button opens a layer allow the Admin to provide the new individual's email address, desired access level or "User Role", and specific space permissions.
Occuspace supports three possible "User Roles" or access levels that can be assigned to users of the platform. Each of the following and their abilities are described below:
Admin - Complete access to analytics data, live data, space setup & configuration, and user management functionality for a given set of spaces
User - Access to analytics data, live data, and space setup & configuration functionality for a given set of spaces
Setup - Access to space setup & configuration functionality only for a given set of spaces
Occuspace also supports restricting access to a certain set of spaces within your account if you do not wish certain users to have access to everything. This space restriction can be applied to Admin users as well. In the "Add User" layer the "Spaces" section allows you to click on the specific spaces you wish to assign to a given user. If you want a user to have access to all spaces in the account you click on the top level entry which is usually represented with your account name.
Once you submit the request for a new user the Occuspace Platform will send an email invitation to the email address that was provided allowing the individual to complete the registration process and activate their credentials.
Managing Existing Users
Existing users may periodically need help with their access privileges which can all be achieved from the "User Management" user listings table. Simply find the user you wish to manage and click anywhere on that row to bring up the details about that particular user. From this view you can edit the user's details and trigger password reset/invitation emails.
Last updated