The Occuspace Portal
A single unified application for understanding your data and managing your account
The Occuspace Portal is a Web application accessible via your browser where you can view your space utilization data and manage all setup and maintenance activities. You can access this application from any type of Web browser on your desktop/laptop as well as your mobile device. It is available 24 hours a day and is continuously updating with the latest data.
Depending on your user account role you will have access to some or all of the following sections:
Analytics - View and interact with your historical occupancy data
Live Data - See live data from your spaces
Spaces - Manage the setup of your spaces and provide calibration data
User Management - Invite and manage users from your organization
You can access the different sections by using the global navigation bar at the top of the page.
Navigating Your Spaces In The Occuspace Portal
An important navigational control in the Portal is the Space Tree which is a hierarchical representation of the different spaces you are monitoring with Occuspace. The Space Tree is critical to navigating the Analytics, Live Data, and Spaces sections of the Portal and ensuring all users have access to the correct spaces via User Management.
The topmost entry in the Space Tree represents the top/root level of your account (usually appearing as your company or organization name, or a major building or campus where you work) and represents a "space group" consisting of one or more spaces you are measuring with Occuspace. Underneath this top level are items that can either be fully discrete spaces you are measuring (e.g. Lounge or Library) or another space group with its own child spaces (e.g. New York Office or 1st Floor West). The Space Tree for a customer can potentially go quite deep with many levels in complex space environments.
The Space Tree appears on the left-hand side of the Portal page if you are on a laptop or desktop. If you are on a mobile phone you can access the Space Tree via the main menu available from the top right global navigation icon. You can expand any space group to see its children and their children...and so on. A search box is available at the top to quickly narrow down on the part of the tree of interest if you already know the space name.
Your position in the Space Tree is maintained as you move across the Analytics, Live Data, and Spaces sections of the Portal. The data presented and the functionality available in the main content area of these sections is always applicable to the space or space group you currently have selected in the Space Tree.
The Space Tree can also be collapsed to the side if you want to use the full width of your screen for viewing data in Analytics or other reasons.
You may be wondering how your Space Tree is defined to begin with. That's a good question and is a critical part of onboarding as an Occuspace customer. Our Account Management team works with you to define the correct hierarchy for your discrete spaces that matches your occupancy measurement needs. We can support a wide variety of arrangements in the Space Tree to accommodate nearly any situation.
Another key navigation and orientation aid in the Portal are the "breadcrumbs" that are prominently displayed immediately above the page header (highlighted in orange below). These series of links build as you navigate down your Space Tree, always indicating where you are and quickly allowing you to move back up to any of the higher space groups in the hierarchy.
The Space Details Panel
The Space Details panel slides in from the right hand side of the page, and is accessible via the "Space Details" link at the top right when you are in the "Analytics", "Live Data", or "Spaces" sections of the Occuspace Portal. This panel shows detailed information about the currently selected space and also provides the user with the ability to edit certain attributes.
Space Details is also where you can access the marked-up floor plans for the associated space. A preview of the floor plan is shown at the bottom of the panel. Clicking on this image opens up the Floor Plan Viewer layer allows you to examine the floor plan in detail, zooming into aspects of particular interest.
This page is a quick overview of our Occuspace Portal, explaining its role, the main sections, and how to navigate around. If you are looking for deeper help content for the Analytics section of the Portal and how to understand your occupancy measurement data please go here.
The Occuspace Portal plays a key role in setting up the hardware sensors which is covered in the next guide in this documentation.
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