
An overview of Occuspace technology and how it works

Occuspace uses proprietary sensory technology to calculate the number of people in any building or space.

How it Works

Measure Occuspace sensors detect and analyze Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and WiFi signal activity in an area. The sensors detect the presence of laptops, cell phones, wearables, and other connected devices in the vicinity, and send this information to Occuspace's cloud for data processing. No personally identifiable information (PII) is collected in this process ensuring a high level of privacy for consumers.

Analyze The collected signal data is analyzed by proprietary machine learning algorithms using extensive training data gathered over years by Occuspace. This training data calibrates Occuspace's service, and the number of people for a given area are then estimated on a minute-by-minute basis. Data is available through a Web Customer Portal our via our APIs.

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